Friday, September 9, 2016

Magic House Promo


                                                                  MAGIC HOUSE

by TD Cooper
                 "Regina and her brother, Dyson, find themselves in foster care along with four other children. Though distraught after seeing their parents die, and ignorant of a secret magical society, they are grateful to be living in a loving home. All that changes when Veronica, their oldest sibling, brings a dangerous stranger into their lives; A stranger who wants to steal their magic by killing them.
                 Regina and her three younger siblings hide in a dilapidated mansion, safe from the killer.  It turns out to be the magical refuge of a lost race from Atlantis. There, they learn that Mrs. Hillsdale, their foster mother, has a mortal wound and only magic can save her.
                 The children set out on a quest, against the wishes of the leaders of Magic House, to save Mrs. Hillsdale. They enlist the help of dragons, brownies, and unicorns; all living under the protection of Magic House, and all willing to lay down their lives for Regina Edwards."   #YoungAdult #Middlegrade #NewAdult #Fantasy #Books

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