Thursday, August 13, 2020

Sneak peek of the Cover of 'Magic House and the Kingdom of Mer'

Here's a sneak peek of the cover to my new novel 'Magic House and the Kingdom of Mer.' This is the sequel to Magic House a YA novel. More to come. Tell me what you think.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Updates: Projects during a busy Covid summer


Sorry, I've been absent lately!

I've been a busy girl.
1. Magic House and the Kingdom of Mer — Is out being beta tested. We have designed a cover, I'm working on the blurb, and waiting to hear on the copyright. I'm hoping for a release date in early September.
2. I've been working on a new story about a young man emerging from the center of the Earth to all it's wonders. I'm about half way through it.
3. Frank and I are deep into our collaborative story featuring Carmella and Trinity-Blue.
Time flies when one is consumed with projects. We've halted our podcast for the time being, but we'll be back!